After giving it a bit of thought, I've decided to choose a Word of the Year as inspiration for the months ahead. I finally settled on my word for 2015, and it will be 'RELEASE'. I thought about 'detach' but (as my good husband advised), 'release' has more positive connotations and it can be applied to most situations that I find myself getting overly embroiled in.
It has been a real learning curve for me to back away from other people's choices and not share my sage advice and wisdom where it is not asked for. It's so easy to watch other people make decisions that are different to those we'd make in the same circumstances, and not offer our "wisdom" and advice.
I find that I can get quite caught up in over-thinking, worrying, and taking on other people's problems, decisions, and their consequences. These aren't mine to own and I need to remind myself to let them go - to speak when asked, and to remain silent when it's not my place to have an opinion.
So, in honour of my new word, here are a few areas I can apply it to for starters:
#1 I need to release our grown up children to make their own decisions and possibly, mistakes. Our goal was to make them independent and we have succeeded well in that area. They have good careers, stable marriages and busy lives and I need to back off and allow them their freedom.
#2 I need to release myself from the people/friends who I am hurt by or who I am outgrowing. I can do this gently and not pursue contact and gradually disengage them from my life. It doesn't need to be a break or upset - just a gentle pulling away.
#3 I need to release my husband from my constant reminding that he needs to find some stable work for 2015. He is well aware or this and my niggling doesn't help. It might make me feel better but it certainly doesn't help him or our marriage.
#4 I need to release myself from worrying about everything: my kids, our income, my marriage, the future and so it goes on. I know that worrying doesn't change anything so I will remind myself to let it go and wait and see what happens. Life is constantly in flux so things will change with or without me worrying about it all.
#5 I need to release myself from comparing my life and family with the updates on facebook and elsewhere. I need to remember that people are only sharing the highlights and I'm doing fine too - so I'll let them have their moment of glory and focus on my own happy moments.
So there is my pledge to myself for 2015 - I'm sure others have "word"s for their year ahead too.
****to remind me of this throughout the year I've splashed out on a bangle****
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